Some online payments and services will be unavailable between 9am on Saturday 15 March until 7am on Monday 17 March due to a system upgrade. We apologise for any inconvenience. To report an urgent issue during this time, call (03) 5422 0333.
The Fire Danger Period for Macedon Ranges Shire is now in force. During this time, no fire may be lit in the open air without a permit.
Find out more about what you can and can’t do during this time
Information about your bins, collection days, reporting a missed/ damaged/lost or stolen bin, and how to order more bins.
Locations, hours, accepted items and fees for local resource recovery facilities (formerly known as transfer stations) in Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend.
Use our A-Z Waste Index to find out what bin you should use for various household items, hard rubbish and chemicals.
Safely dispose of chemicals and paint.
You can exchange eligible drink containers for 10 cents.
Information for residents looking to donate unwanted items to local op shops and charity stores.
Hard rubbish collection and tip vouchers are not provided to residents.
Did you know that you can use bin clips to help secure your bin lids? Also, if you see anyone littering, let us know.
Council is responsible for the management of three closed landfills in Bullengarook, Kyneton, and Lancefield
If you are a school, community group, local organisation or workplace, you can request a tailored waste education training session, presented by Council’s Waste Education Officer.
Subscribe to our Waste eNewsletter to receive updates about waste and recycling service changes.
Suggestions and tips for residents who are looking to reduce their waste.
Council offers a number of options to dispose of farm and agricultural waste safely and sustainably.
Safely dispose of electrical, computer equipment, and mobile phones.