Traffic Management Plans

For any construction activity within the public road reserve that impacts a road, street, lane, or walkway, a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) must be submitted for approval.

Ensuring the safety of all road users and how these users will be supervised in the affected area is the main goal of the TMP.

TMPs are required in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004, Road Safety Act 1986 and Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009 Traffic control devices for works on roads.

Documents required

Temporary Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) must follow Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009 and must be prepared by an accredited VicRoads traffic consultant or company. See VicRoads Register of Prequalified Contractors & Consultants.  

Please make sure you have the following information on hand before submitting your application:

  • Street name/s
  • Description of works
  • Duration of the activity, including dates and timings
  • A detailed traffic management plan, including aftercare plans.
  • Worksite hazard assessment checklist (Appendix C Code of Practice)
  • copy of public liability insurance for the contractor carrying out the works to cover a minimum of $20 million for any one claim.

Important to note

If the proposed activity impacts an arterial road, then consent from VicRoads is mandatory. For more information, visit the VicRoads website.

When using major traffic controls, it is necessary to obtain a Memorandum of Authorization (MoA) from VicRoads.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting a TMP to Council, the applicant and the nominated traffic management company agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions(DOCX, 110KB) / Terms and Conditions(PDF, 137KB)

How the application is assessed

Applications will be processed within 20 business days and are assessed for compliance in accordance with the following:

If all requirements are met and only minor changes required, written approval subject to conditions is provided by email to the person/company that submitted the TMP.  If the TMP is insufficient or if there are substantial errors, you will have to submit the application again.

Throughout the works, a copy of the written consent, TMPs, permit, and MoA from DTP (where applicable) must be held on-site. Implementation of TMP is the responsibility of individual contractors or works managers, and Council officers may visit the site at any time to conduct an inspection.




TMP - Does not require the closure of any traffic lanes.

$ 75

TMP - Requires closure of one or more traffic lanes.

$ 245

TMP - Requires closure of a road.

$ 642

How to submit your application

When you have prepared the relevant documentation listed above, you can email it to

The application process


Once you submit your application, the Engineering team will check the document. Additional information will be requested if required.


If TMP is approved, we will contact you to request fee payment before issuing the TMP acceptance notice with conditions.


If the TMP request is declined, we will notify you.

An application will be valid for three months. No extension will be granted. Please ensure you apply for the application when you are ready to undertake work.

A TMP associated with any works within the road reserve or within a Council easement that triggers an Asset Protection Permit or Activity with the Road Reserve Permit will be assessed as part of the relevant Permit application. However, a separate Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) from Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) for DTP-managed roads.

Reporting concerns with road works

It is the duty of contractors or works managers to implement a TMP. Get in touch with the company performing the work first if you have any concerns about traffic management or any construction taking place in a road reserve.

If after this you still have concerns, call us on (03) 5422 0333 or email