Locating Your Septic Tank

The easiest way of locating your septic tank system is to check the plans you received with your septic permits.   

In some cases you can easily locate your septic tank by the 'riser' attached to the opening of the tank. This is normally a white plastic PVC pipe, with a cap, sticking out of the ground where the opening of your septic tank is located underground.  The effluent area will sometimes remain green during the warmer, dryer months.

If you are unable to find your copy of plans, request a copy from us by completing a Septic Tank Plan Request form(DOCX, 219KB) / Septic Tank Plan Request form(PDF, 264KB)

A $155 fee applies.

Copy of plans can only be given to the registered owner or a person having written permission from the registered owner.

The fee you pay is non-refundable and is for the time it takes to search for your plans. Unfortunately there is no guarantee that we will find a copy of the plan or that the plan we find is either clear or accurate.