Barringo Reserve


Barringo Recreation Reserve is highly valued as an ecologically diverse location that supports flora species of state significance. 

Barringo Recreation Reserve is for public use and provides for bushwalking, nature photography and bird watching.

Four species of state significance were recorded within the reserve:

  • the endangered Hairy-leaf Triggerplant Stylidium armeria subsp. Pilosifolium
  • the rare Large-leaf Cinnamon-wattle Acacia leprosa var. uninervia
  • the rare Dwarf Silver Wattle Acacia nano-dealbata
  • the rare Slender Fireweed Senecio microbasis.

The Hairy-leaf Triggerplant is a newly discovered species that has only previously been recorded within the Riddells Creek area.

The Hairy-leaf Triggerplant is a large perennial herb with narrowly oblanceolate hairy leaves at the base and flowering stems up to 80 centimetres tall.

Cinnamon Fungus (Phytophthora cinnamomi) is currently being investigated by Council within the reserve and is suspected of  being responsible for the dieback of native plants.  Please keep to walking trails to minimise the potential spread of this pathogen.

Macedon Pony Club is located on site and can be contacted directly for event information.

An Environmental Management Plan is available for this reserve.


18 Shannons Road, New Gisborne 3437  View Map

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