Community Climate Action Grants

Council is excited to launch the new Community Climate Action Grants program in recognition of the significant contributions our community sustainability and environment groups.

It aims to support groups to develop, implement and evaluate climate actions projects that work towards reducing community greenhouse gas emissions and/or work towards greater community resilience to adapt to climate change.

Council and community partners, Macedon Ranges Community Enterprises Ltd (MRCE) and Community Bank Gisborne and District have collaborated to co-fund the program. MRCE will match Council’s funding to the amount of $20,000, boosting the funding available for the Grant to $40,000. 

Applications for the 2024-25 round closed on 30 September 2024.

  Maximum funding
per project    
Council funding
Matched funding
Total available
Community Climate Action Up to $5,000 $20,000 $20,000 $40,000

For more information, call the Environment Unit (03) 5422 0333 or email

2024/2025 Funding Recipients

Community Climate Action grants

Organisation Project details Amount
MRSG: Wash Against Waste Trailer Transitioning the Wash Against Waste trailer to net zero clean energy production and consumption $5,000
MRSG: Riddells Creek Cool Changes Riddells Creek Cool Changes Enviro - Expo $5,000
MRSG: Sustainable Malmsbury Malmsbury Neighbourhood Battery - Community engagement and planning $5,000
MRSG: Electrify3442  Electrify 3442 Household Electrification Planner $4,900
Friends of Daly Nature Reserve Printed material to support nature walks $278
Macedon and Mount Macedon Landcare Group Weather and the Macedon mountains - building community knowledge $5,000
Permies @ The House Nature Connection & Village Building Workshops $3,660
MRSG: Committee Mastering our Messaging $5,000


Guidelines and resources


Hard copies can be provided upon request. 

Child Safe Standards

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is committed to a zero tolerance approach to child abuse, through actively promoting child safety and ensuring compliance with the Victorian Child Safe Standards. All applicants must demonstrate compliance with the Victorian Child Safe Standards and read/understand Council's Child Wellbeing and Safety Policy. Note: If your organisation is being auspiced for the purpose of this grant, the auspicing organisation will also need to meet the Child Safe Standards.

Smarty Grants

Community Action Grants can be applied for using SmartyGrants. 

SmartyGrants is an online grant management program to help grant recipients and Council record and track all the details around grant transactions. Through this program, you can apply for the grant, track it, and upload acquittal documents.


Assessment of applications will be based on the scoring matrix of each category. The scoring matrix can be found within the funding categories and assessment criteria in the grant guidelines.

Variations/Extensions or returning grant funds

We understand that sometimes things don't go as planned. Call us on (03) 5422 0333 or email if:

  • you are encountering unexpected challenges in your project delivery.
  • you need to make a variation or seek an extension to the project as planned in your application. You will need to complete a variation/extension request form and this will need to be approved by Council before any changes are undertaken.

Acquitting your grant

Once you have delivered your project, you will need to complete a Project Acquittal Report. You can access the form by logging in here and then clicking the 'My Submissions' link at the top of page. Here you will see your submission number and any associated forms open and waiting for you to complete.

Note: The 'My Submissions' area will store a history of all the submissions and additional forms you complete.

The report includes:

  • a summary of the benefits, challenges and learnings of the project; and
  • a summary of the grant expenditure and any remaining grant funds (if applicable);
  • promotional and marketing activities undertaken, including examples of the recognition of Council's financial support, photo evidence of the project and any media coverage.

Please note: If you have been auspiced for the purposes of your grant, the acquittal report will need to be signed off by the Treasurer of the Auspice and the Treasurer of the Applicant Organisation.