Kyneton Town Centre Urban Design Framework

Council is refreshing Kyneton’s Town Centre Urban Design Framework (UDF).

The UDF will provide urban design direction for Kyneton’s streetscapes, public open spaces and buildings, focused on the three main commercial streets: Mollison Street, High Street and Piper Street. 

About the project

The Kyneton Town Centre UDF will draw upon the positive elements of the township that people most value, while identifying opportunities to improve the function, appearance and safety of streetscapes and buildings.

A UDF helps set a community vision for areas to inform what they should look like, and the function they serve. These plans include the ability to bring together the social, visual and economic aspects that make areas unique.  UDFs are used to inform capital works and streetscape improvements, and planning controls for new developments.

The UDF will include:

  • A vision for the town centre that highlights the valued elements of township character to be enhanced and celebrated.
  • Concepts to improve the amenity and appearance of streetscapes with a focus on pedestrian safety and comfort, tree planting and landscaping.
  • Access and movement plans looking at walking, cycling, public transport and vehicle access.
  • Guidelines for new buildings and streetscapes so that new proposals reflect the cultural, heritage and aesthetic values of Kyneton.
  • Design direction for Council and applicants for new development applications.

We will be consulting throughout the project to ensure that the UDF captures the community’s vision for the town centre.

Why are we doing this?

An Urban Design Framework was prepared for Kyneton in 2008. This UDF was not adopted by Council, but formed part of the background to the 2013 Kyneton Structure Plan. The improvements set out in the 2008 UDF were not implemented.

With Kyneton designated as a Regional Centre in state and local planning policy, it is important that the town centre is safe and functional for residents and visitors, while ensuring that we preserve and enhance its valued character.

Formal adoption of the plan by Council will be sought so that recognition is given to priority projects, and to support any future planning scheme amendments.

View the 2008 Kyneton Urban Design Framework.


Consultation so far

Phase 1 consultation took place in early 2021, asking the community to identify the features of the town centre that they value the most, and identifying any big issues or problem areas to improve. Feedback received was generally consistent with issues and opportunities picked up by officers during background research for the project, with both identifying the need for:

  • Consideration of landscaping and trees in streets.
  • Pedestrian crossing points that consider how to get people of different ages and abilities across the road safely.
  • Better guidance for the design of new buildings.
  • Places for people to sit, rest and gather.
  • Improved wayfinding and promotional signage.
  • Direct and connected footpaths with good surfaces, crossing opportunities and safer pedestrian facilities.
  • Safe bicycle access in Kyneton’s main streets and to Kyneton railway station.
  • Improved car parking in the town centre, including accessible parking spaces.
  • Retention, maintenance and/or reinstatement of bluestone paving and infrastructure.
  • Greater recognition of Aboriginal cultural heritage.


Old Kyneton Primary School Site

Kyneton Primary School moved from Baynton Street to a new site on Edgecombe Street in 2018. The Old Kyneton Primary School (OKPS) site is being retained for community use, and is being redeveloped as part of a joint project by Working Heritage, Development Victoria and Creative Victoria.

While this project is being led by the state government, the OKPS site has been included in the UDF study area to consider integration opportunities with the town centre.

Outside the Scope

The revised UDF will focus on the physical environment, such as landscaping, footpaths, building design, street furniture.

The UDF is not considering:

  • Broader movement and access throughout Kyneton, beyond the town centre. The UDF can address some of the issues previously identified by the Kyneton community, with focus on the commercial town centre. The UDF will be used to inform a re-draft of the Kyneton Movement Network Study, which is being run alongside the UDF. 
  • Land use zones or the types of businesses that operate in the town centre. This is influenced in town planning via zoning (through Structure Plans) and the planning applications process.
  • Community infrastructure such as education and child care, or Council support services such youth or aged facilities.
  • Residential streets. The UDF is focussing on the main streets in the commercial centre, as the key destinations for day-to-day activity in the township.

The connection between the UDF, the Kyneton South Framework Plan and the Kyneton Movement Network Study:

  • Council commenced the Kyneton South Framework Plan (KSFP) in 2016. The KSFP was undertaken to ensure that potential growth in Kyneton South is coordinated, planned and integrated with the existing township. The KSFP would enable Council and other service agencies to consider and anticipate likely infrastructure and service upgrades that may be required to service the growth in Kyneton South.
  • On commencing the KSFP it was identified that the Kyneton Movement Network Infrastructure Study 2010 required updating. The update of this study was renamed the Kyneton Movement Network Study (KMNS) and coupled with the KSFP to guide the planning of any future infrastructure requirements and ensure growth areas are provided with an integrated and functional movement network.
  • Officers exhibited the Kyneton Movement Network Study (KMNS) to the community in May 2019.  Feedback through the consultation process identified that the community felt the KMNS focused too much on the growth area and required more focus on movement challenges in the existing township.

The UDF can address some of the current movement network needs identified by the Kyneton community, with focus on the issues that currently exist in central Kyneton. Movement network investigations undertaken as part of the UDF will help prioritise the existing short and medium term needs of the Kyneton township. This information will then inform the KMNS and KSFP on their recommencement.


Stay informed

If you have any questions, contact Strategic Planning on (03) 5422 0333 or email