A Council Meeting will be held at 7pm on Wednesday evening.
View the agenda / watch live
The Fire Danger Period for Macedon Ranges Shire is now in force. During this time, no fire may be lit in the open air without a permit.
Find out more about what you can and can’t do during this time
Find out about what you can do on public land.
Burning off grass, stubble, weeds, undergrowth or other vegetation is a great way to clean up your property, but there are conditions around when you are allowed to do this.
Find out about the regulations you need to follow when holding an event or outdoor activity.
Find out about smoke-free areas in the shire.
All about building and maintaining fences on your property, including keeping your animals secure, building permits, and dealing with neighbours.
Find out when and how to pay an infringement, or apply for an infringement review.
Various restrictions apply to lighting fires and burning off in the Macedon Ranges, and a permit may be required.
Find out about restrictions and permits required for collecting firewood on different types of land, and how you can report the illegal collection of firewood.
Reporting graffiti in the shire.
Did you know that you can use bin clips to help secure your bin lids? Also, if you see anyone littering, let us know.
Find a fee for permits required for excess or additional animals, roadside trading, street furniture, general permit, real estate signs, skip bin permit, shipping container, mobile trading and busking.
Council does not deal with neighbour disputes but we can offer information on how to resolve disputes and details of who to contact if you are having a dispute with a neighbour.
Information on how to resolve noise issues, as well as a link to a booklet detailing prohibited times for the use of certain items that can cause noise.
Find out more about parking limits and fines, which exist so everyone gets a fair chance to park. Also find out how to apply for an accessible parking permit.
Learn about the requirements for fundraising activities on Council land.
Find out what you need to do to have furniture or accessories for public use outside of your business.
You may need a planning permit, and/or a building or local laws permit, to place a shipping container on private property or council land.
Information about placing signs on public and private land.
How to resolve or report issues regarding trees and vegetation on Council roads, road reserves and public land.
Find out about laws relating to abandoned shopping trolleys in public places.
Find out about laws relating to repairing, selling and/or abandoned vehicles in public places.