Roadside and Footpath Trading

If you run a business and would like to place goods, signs and/or outdoor eating areas on Council land or footpaths, you must have a current Roadside and Footpath Trading Permit. Permits are renewable annually or bi-annually by 31 August.

If you wish to sell, provide goods, or services on Council land or footpaths, you will require a Mobile Trading Permit.

Roadside and Footpath Trading Policy

The Roadside and Footpath Trading Policy provides guidance to individuals, businesses and organisations seeking to place temporary items on roads including footpaths for the purposes of footpath trading. 

Your responsibilities

Public safety, amenity, and vision for motorists and cyclists must be taken into consideration. Council's new Community Local Law 2023(PDF, 1MB), Clauses 8, 10 and 11 and the  Vision Australia Policy outline further requirements in addition to the above policy.

You must:

  1. Have and submit proof of a current public liability insurance policy of no less than $10 million, and resubmit a copy of your certificate of currency to Council upon renewal of your policy.
  2. Submit a detailed plan of where items are to be displayed.  A blank footpath trading plan template(DOCX, 1MB) is available to assist you.
  3. Comply with the permit requirements
  4. Comply with the requirements set out in the Roadside and Footpath Trading Policy and all other Council Policies
  5. Comply with any other requirements set out in the Local Law
  6. Renew your permit before the expiry date on your permit.

Failure to adhere to the above requirements may result in permit refusal or revocation.

Permit types and fees

Check our Permit Fees page for applicable fees. 

Apply for or renew a Roadside and Footpath Trading Permit

To apply for a permit, complete a Roadside and Footpath Trading application form(DOCX, 408KB) and return it to Council in person or by mail, along with your proposed footpath trading plan(DOCX, 1MB) and a copy of your current public liability insurance.

To renew a permit, fill out the renewal form which is sent to you, and return it to Council along with a copy of your footpath trading plan(DOCX, 1MB) and a copy of your current public liability insurance. 

You can pay your renewal fee:

  • Online: Pay online by credit card (Visa or Mastercard only)
  • In person: Council Service Centres by cash, cheque or EFTPOS
  • By post: Post your renewal notice and credit card details or cheque/money order (made payable to Macedon Ranges Shire Council) to PO Box 151, Kyneton, VIC 3444.

Apply for a Mobile Trading Permit

Do I require a permit?

You will require a Mobile Trading Permit if you wish to sell products, provide goods or services on Council land or footpaths.  

You can apply for a permit by completing an online Mobile Trading application which will require all the relevant documents noted below to complete the application.

Refer to Council’s Roadside Trading and Footpath Policy (Mobile Trading)

If you would like a hard copy form, contact Council’s Local Laws Unit on (03) 5422 0333.

What do I need to provide as part of the application?

  • A completed application form
  • $10 Million Public Liability Insurance – Certificate of Currency showing dates of coverage
  • Written approval from the business or proprietor you are intending to trade in front of
  • Aerial view map indicating where you plan to conduct your trading from
  • Payment of the Applicable Fee

If you are selling food, you will also need to register your business and lodge a statement of trade on the FoodTrader website.  This applies to businesses operating on private land and Council land.


Fees are renewed annually. Visit Permit fees to find out more.