'For the Love of Paws' Campaign Our new responsible pet ownership education campaign; 'For the Love of Paws', aims to deliver vital messages about responsible animal ownership.
Animals you can keep There are limits on the number of animals you can keep on your property without the need for a permit.
Dog off leash and prohibited areas To ensure full enjoyment, safety and comfort of others please observe the requirements for dogs in public spaces. Find the off the leash areas and dog prohibited areas near you.
Picking up after your dog If you own a dog, you must collect and remove all droppings that they leave in a public place such as a park or on a footpath.
Fireworks and thunderstorms Loud noises such as fireworks and thunderstorms can be frightening for animals such as dogs, cats and horses.
Lost and found animals If you lose or find an animal, you need to report it to Council. Impound and boarding fees apply for impounded animals. Warnings and fines may also apply.
Owning a cat Cats make great pets and owning one can be very rewarding. Being a responsible cat owner means protecting your cat, other people’s pets, and the environment.
Register your pet How to register your dog or cat, renew a registration, including fees, payment methods and requirements for restricted breeds or dangerous dogs.
Surrendering your pet If you are no longer physically or financially able to look after your pet, Council may be able to help you find them a new home.