Macaulay Town Planning


Town planning consultancy services including planning permit applications, pre-purchase property advice, and strategic work such as rezoning applications and landowner submissions in response to Council's strategic planning studies.

With a 20 year career in urban and regional planning Sharon has lived in the shire for more than 16 years, with ten years running her own practice as a town planning consultant.

Macaulay Town Planning provides a range of services to assist landowners and investors to navigate the Victorian Planning System as relevant to the Macedon Ranges Shire (and all other areas). This might relate to a building project, a change of use, or a subdivision that might be planned for a rural or urban area for which a planning permit is needed.

Knowing what might be possible or not at the outset is really important, so feel free to call me if you have any questions about a particular property.


44 Donnithorne Street,  Kyneton 3444  View Map

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