Introducing your new Councillors Council would like to thank all ratepayers and eligible voters for participating in the 2024 Council Elections for the Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
Sports Precinct’s next stage Planning for the next stage of the Macedon Ranges Sports Precinct in New Gisborne is progressing.
Kids win with new kinder and MCH Families and children across Lancefield and surround now have access to a brand new modular children’s centre, with three kindergarten rooms and a Maternal and Child Health consulting room.
New netball facilities underway Work to deliver new netball upgrades at both Woodend and Kyneton are now underway, providing fit-for-purpose facilities and supporting growing participation in the sport.
Building back better in 2024-25 A number of road and bridge projects outlined in Council’s Budget 2024-25 have already been completed.
Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival Embrace the beauty of autumn with the Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival: a month-long celebration of seasonal delights, family fun, and local treasures.
Kyneton Town Hall program Council is pleased to have lined up another jam-packed program of events at the Kyneton Town Hall in 2025.
Fancy a cuppa? Join a group of friendly coffee lovers for a social cuppa and a chat, with meet-ups at various towns across the shire.
Community Choice Awards Macedon Ranges has many outstanding businesses committed to delivering excellent customer experiences.
Gisborne Aquatic Centre turns 20! We’re celebrating 20 amazing years of the Gisborne Aquatic Centre! Were you there on opening day? We’d love to hear your stories.
Get ready for 2025-26 grants The next round of applications for the Events and Festivals Grant Program and Community Funding Scheme are expected to open soon.
Enviroment and Climate grant recipients At its December 2024 Council Meeting, Council endorsed funding recommendations for successful recipients for the Environment Group Support Grant Program and Community Climate Action Grants 2024-2025.
Register for orange bags Heading to one of Council’s customer service, fitness or aquatic centres? Don’t forget to pick up your FREE soft plastic orange collection bags from the front desk and start recycling soft plastic from home!
Volunteering is for all ages Maddie is an inspirational young person who decided to volunteer during her final years of high school to improve her skills and give back to her community.
Volunteering opportunities We have a range of local volunteering opportunities available, each offering ways to get involved and make a positive impact in your community.
Roadside conservation guideposts Did you know that roadsides play an important role in supporting our local native plants and animals?
Restoration funding secured Council is thrilled to have successfully secured $838,295 over the next three years to improve a range of riparian grasslands, woodlands and forests plant communities in and around Gisborne and Macedon townships.
Backyard Biodiversity pilot Are you a Kyneton resident that is keen to support local biodiversity but not quite sure where to start?
Youth Climate Group In partnership with VicHealth, Council is launching a Youth Climate Group in 2025 and we’re inviting keen young people to register their interested to be involved.
Indigenous art brought to life at kindergartens Aboriginal artist and Traditional Owner of Victoria’s Woi-Wurrung Wurundjeri and Yorta- Yorta language groups, Simone Thomson has created new artwork for the children and families at Manna Gum Family and Children’s Centre and Swinburne Children’s Centre in Gisborne.
Your local libraries Looking for an easier way to manage your library account and access the catalogue?
Rates instalments Rates and charges can be paid in four instalments by no later than the due date, or for the 2024-25 financial year as a single payment by 30 September 2024.
Vouchers and special offers Look out for your printed copy of the newsletter, which includes a special offer at our aquatic and fitness centres, plus Hanging Rock entry and Green Waste Drop-off vouchers.