We have four principles of excellence that guide our procedures and processes.
Principle 1: Vision and culture
In partnership with the community, we have a clear vision as expressed in our Council Plan, to protect and enhance life across the Macedon Ranges.
In pursuing our vision, we believe in and are committed to:
- Liveability
- Efficiency
- Sustainability
Our Council Plan sets out the broad direction Council has decided on for its term of office while our Customer Service Charter sets out clear service standards regarding access to services and information and responsiveness.
Principle 2: Roles and relationships
Our Councillors have clearly-defined roles. They are distinct from the roles of Chief Executive and Council officers.
We support our Councillors by providing clear guidelines and resources.
The Local Government Guide is a useful resource that can help you understand the roles and relationships within our organisation.
Principle 3: Decision making and management
Most of our decisions are made under delegation. Decisions on reports submitted to Council are made at monthly Council Meetings which are run according to our Governance Rules.
Our decision-making is based on and guided by the Revenue and Rating Plan, the Annual Budget, Capital Works Program and Council Strategies.
We are advised by community consultations, advisory committees, Council delegates and Council officers.
Once decisions have been made, we report the results to you via Council Meeting minutes and financially via our annual report and quarterly business reviews.
Principle 4: Accountability
Our work output is measured annually against the Performance Statement while we learn how you rate our performance through the yearly Community Satisfaction Survey. We also encourage feedback from you on any Council matter.
Internal and external audits are performed regularly. Internal audits focus on operations, procedures, internal controls and risk management. External audits focus on financial records.