The Fire Danger Period for Macedon Ranges Shire is now in force. During this time, no fire may be lit in the open air without a permit.
Find out more about what you can and can’t do during this time
A Council Meeting will be held at 7pm on Wednesday evening.
View the agenda / watch live
How to submit a Freedom of Information request or make an appointment to view or copy public Council documents.
We have a range of advisory committees and committees of management that are responsible for Council facilities.
How elected Councils make decisions, both in and outside of formal Council meetings.
Attend or watch a meeting, find a meeting agenda or minutes, ask a question or request a meeting with councillors, and view the Governance Rules.
Information about Council elections and the election process.
Governance involves making and implementing decisions, accountability, information exchange and engagement with community.
Find out about local laws: what they are, why councils make them and what local laws apply in Macedon Ranges Shire.
Community members may submit a petition to Council on matters within Council’s powers, seeking that Council undertake a particular action.
The Public Interest Disclosures Act encourages and facilitates disclosures of improper conduct and detrimental action taken against a person for making a disclosure under the Act.
An opportunity for community groups and organisations to request meetings with Councillors.
As your elected representatives, Councillors make decisions on your behalf at Council meetings.