Mobility and Road Safety Strategy 2023-2032

The Mobility and Road Safety Strategy 2023 – 2032 and its ten-year action plan were endorsed by Council at the December 2023 Council Meeting.

This strategy has its Guiding Principles through:

  • Vision Zero – Supports Victorian’s vision of reducing fatalities and serious injuries on the road
  • Road Safety - The Safe System approach
  • Mobility - Movement and Place Framework

The strategy is in line with the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021 – 2030.

It also describes how Council will use the Safe System approach, committing to a Vision Zero road trauma goal by 2050, by focusing on four Safe System key principles:

  • Safer Roads, through engineering and infrastructure, to make roads, paths, tracks, and other transport infrastructure as safe as possible
  • Safer Speeds, by encouraging people to travel at safe speeds and creating a safety culture where the community regards speeding as unacceptable as drunk driving
  • Safer People, through a shared responsibility for the safety of all road users (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and drivers) by encouraging safe travel behaviour to minimise personal risks and risks to others
  • Safer Vehicles, by promoting safer vehicles for drivers, passengers, and other people.

At the same time, this strategy recognises how important it is to:

  • support active transport, such as walking and cycling, for a healthy and sustainable community and requires special consideration of the vulnerability of pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders
  • work with our road safety partners, such as the police and health services, to achieve more than we would if we worked in isolation
  • listen to and engage with our community so that the community can contribute to the success of road safety initiatives
  • consider wildlife safety.