Romsey - Speed limit reduction on Romsey Road

A new speed limit has been introduced on Romsey Road, between Hanging Rock and Romsey, reducing the speed to 80km/h, down from 100km/h, with the exception of the section near Hesket Primary School retaining a 60km/h school zone during signed hours.

The change was made for a number of reasons:

  • Road safety history and risk: This windy, tree-heavy stretch has a challenging alignment and provides limited sight distance, with three fatalities and 42 other accidents recorded. The stretch has also previously been supported by Black Spot funding for road safety treatments.
  • Community feedback: Council received multiple requests from residents and others advocating for a lower speed limit to improve safety. Consultation was undertaken with residents that live along this stretch of road as part of this process and in alignment with the Victorian Speed Zoning Guidelines.
  • Protection of wildlife: The area has a high incidence of reported wildlife incidents or dead animals.
  • External and policy support: This change is consistent with industry best practice, is supported by the Department of Transport and Planning, and aligns with Council's Mobility and Road Safety Strategy.

We know it might take some time getting used to, but the new speed limit will likely add just a few minutes to your trip—it's a small change for everyone's safety.

As a final note - Romsey Road is one of those unique instances of being a Council-managed road up until Hanging Rock, when it then becomes a state-managed road (through to the Calder Freeway/High Street in Woodend), and where the speed limit is 100km/h for this shorter length. We will continue discussions with the Department as the responsible authority for this stretch.


Romsey Road, Romsey 3434  View Map

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