Property valuations
A valuation is an assessment of the market value of a property at a specific date.
For 2024/25, each property has been valued based on the current market conditions as at 1 January 2024.
When looking at this valuation, you should consider the following factors:
- What prices have been achieved for properties sold in your area around January 2024?
- What price would you expect your property to sell for if it had been sold in early 2024?
- Have you recently made improvements to your property or built on the land?
Not all properties in the shire increase in value at the same rate. A general valuation may result in the rates for some properties going up whilst others decrease. As a result, some ratepayers will pay more rates than last year and some will pay less.
How a property is valued
Property values are determined by analysis of property sales and rental evidence, which is then applied to the data on each particular property. Information is compiled on each property over time, through inspection, building and planning permits and real estate websites.
The valuer builds a profile of value levels for each different area/property type and this information is then applied to individual properties. The valuation also takes into account the different characteristics of each property such as land and building sizes, age, condition and development potential.
Different valuations on rates notices
There are three valuations shown on your rates notice, these are:
- Site Value (SV) – is the value of the unimproved (vacant) land
- Capital Improved Value (CIV) – is the value of the land and the buildings, and
- Net Annual Value (NAV) – for residential properties is 5 percent of the CIV. For commercial properties it is an estimate of the net annual rental for the property but not less than 5 percent.
It is important to note that the Capital Improved Value (CIV) includes the Site Value (SV). The CIV for the 2024/25 revaluation comprises the current market value of the property based on January 2024 levels of value.
Do revaluations cause an increase in rates?
Increases in property values does not increase the total amount of money Council collects in rates.
Council’s annual budget determines how much we will generate in rate revenue in consideration of the rate cap. Council calculates the amount of rates to be collected across the number of properties in the shire based on the budget. It then uses property values to apportion the amount of rates paid by each ratepayer. Some ratepayers will pay more and some will pay less, depending on the value of their property relative to other properties in the shire.
Impact of rate capping
The changes to property valuations will not impact Council's rate capping. The Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates system means Council can only increase average rates per property by 2.75 percent in 2024/25. In the previous financial year (2023/2024) the rate cap was 3.5 percent.
In some cases, ratepayers will find that their rates bill has changed by more or less than 2.75 percent from the previous year. There are reasons this may happen, including the valuation of the property relative to the valuation of other properties in the shire, or the inclusion of other rates and charges (e.g. kerbside collection) that are not covered by the government’s rate cap policy. Only the general rate and the municipal charge have been capped at 2.75 percent for 2024/25. For more information, see Your rates and charges explained
Supplementary valuations
A supplementary valuation is when the value of the property has been altered since the time of the existing valuation, for example the erection of a new dwelling on previously vacant land, additions to an existing house, or fire damage to a dwelling.
Supplementary valuations bring the value of the affected property into line with the general valuation of other properties within the shire. Values are assessed at the date of the general valuation currently in use. A supplementary rates notice may be sent at any time throughout the year.
Enquire about your property valuation
Valuations are undertaken by contract valuers appointed by the Valuer-General Victoria. They are also responsible for the supplementary valuations and objection process.
If you believe that your property valuation is too high and you have evidence to support this, you can object to the valuation by lodging an objection via the new Valuer-Generals office online objection portal.
Further information about the objection process and downloadable objection forms are available on the Valuer-General Victoria’s page.
Important Note: The objection period closes two months from the date of issue of the first rates notice. If you object to the valuation or supplementary notice, you must still pay your rates by the due date or you may incur interest charges.
You can also lodge your objection directly with Council via our online objection form or complete the Residential valuation objection form(PDF, 258KB) and email to or drop it into one of our customer service centres.
Other uses of valuations
Land Tax
The State Revenue Office (SRO) uses the site value assessment on your rates notice for the purpose of assessing land tax. All enquiries relating to Land Tax or the Vacant Residential Land Tax should be directed to the State Revenue Office in the first instance. If the enquiry relates to the valuation, the SRO will refer the matter to the appointed contract valuer.
Fire Services Property Levy
The Fire Services Property Levy is charged against the Capital Improved Value of the property and will appear on the rates notice as an additional item, to be collected by Council and forwarded to the SRO. Objections to the fire services levy can be made by completing our online Property valuations and fire services levy enquiry form