Building over easements

Apply for approval to build or undertake any works on, or over, an easement.

An easement is an area of land or part of a lot reserved by law for a specific purpose, such as drainage.

Drainage easements give Council the right of access to build or manage stormwater drains. Many people have drainage easements and/or drains on their properties. Easements may also be created on land to facilitate sewer, services, light or carriage and can usually be located on a Plan of Subdivision.

Find out if you have an easement on or near your property before you:

  • Build or extend your home
  • Add a swimming or ornamental pool
  • Do paving, add driveways, decking, fences, poles or signs
  • Erect sheds or cubby houses

If your works are proposed to be built over or on easement then you need to complete and submit a Build Over Easement application form(DOCX, 1MB) / Build Over Easement application form(PDF, 226KB). Please be aware that no permanent or habitable structures will be approved to be built over the easement.

If you are unsure as to whether your proposal needs our consent, call our Building or Engineering department on (03) 5422 0333.