Amess Road

The Amess Road precinct is approximately 130 hectares generally bounded by Kilmore Road, Amess Road, land to the east of Wohl Court and south of Frost Lane in Riddells Creek.

March 2025 Update

The public hearings for the Priority Projects Standing Advisory Committee have now concluded for the Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan which was held from 10 February until 28 February 2025.

Council would like to acknowledge the work and submissions made by the wider Riddells Creek community during the public hearing process.

The Committee will now prepare a report in accordance with the Letter of Referral and Terms of Reference regarding the Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan Amendment C161 and planning permit PLN/2024/219 for the Minister for Planning.

Council needs to wait for resolution and advice from the Department of Transport and Planning on the outcome and decision by the Minister for Planning before it can comment further. An update will be circulated once Council is informed of an outcome.

It is expected that updates will also be provided via the relevant Priority Projects webpage: Priority Projects Referral No. 45 - Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan

February 2025 update

A hearing date has now been set for an independent panel to consider the proposed development of the Amess Road precinct in Riddells Creek. The Priority Projects Standing Advisory Committee will review the combined Macedon Ranges draft planning scheme amendment C161macr, and draft planning permit PLN2024/219, which introduce the Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan and facilitate subdivision of the site.

The hearing will take place from 10 February until 3 March 2025.

Further information on how to attend the hearing, and a timetable and other updates can be found on the Planning Panels Victoria website

December 2024 Update – Priority Projects Standing Advisory Committee

The combined Macedon Ranges draft planning scheme amendment C161macr and draft planning permit PLN2024/219 introducing the Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan to facilitate subdivision the Amess Road Precinct in Riddells Creek has progressed.

The Minister for Planning has referred the proposal to the Priority Projects Standing Advisory Committee.

The Committee will hold a Directions Hearing for this matter at 10am on Monday 16 December 2024.

Further information on how to participate, updates and timelines can be found on the Planning Panels website.


2024 - Victorian Government-led process

The Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan – which was rejected by Council at its April 2023 Planning Delegated Committee Meeting – has been submitted by the developer to the Victorian Government's Department of Transport and Planning through the Development Facilitation Program (DFP).

This means that Council is no longer the authority considering the PSP, but that it is being considered by the Department and Victorian Government.

The proposal was open for public consultation from 10 June to 10 July 2024 on the Engage Victoria website and you can download Council's submission here: Macedon Ranges Shire Council - Draft Amendment C161mar to the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme(PDF, 1MB).  

In response to initial submissions on drainage infrastructure, the proponent has amended the Development Contributions Plan and associated documents. A second consultation period was open from 30 July to 27 August 2024 via the Engage Victoria website, seeking feedback on these amendments. 

Council has now made a second submission in response, which you can read here: Macedon Ranges Shire Council - C161macr (Amess Road) - Response to additional consultation(PDF, 261KB)

Site background and PSP explainer

The land north of Amess Road was designated as a ‘priority residential development precinct’ in 2013 as the Riddells Creek Structure Plan was prepared and completed.

The Riddells Creek Structure Plan forms part of Council’s greater Settlement Strategy, which provides overall direction for urban growth consistent with environmental constraints, community aspirations and government policy until 2036.

The site has been zoned for urban growth since 2017, when Council and the Minister for Planning identified two future growth areas to the north and south of the existing town. This followed consultation with the community on the Riddells Creek Structure Plan, and the subsequent Planning Scheme Amendment C100 that rezoned the precinct from Rural Living Zone, Schedule 1 (RLZ1) to Urban Growth Zone (UGZ).

In order for the precinct to develop, a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) must be prepared. A PSP provides a ‘blueprint’ for development and infrastructure investment that will occur over many years by outlining important features of the precinct for local communities such as roads, parks, key transport connections and areas for housing.

Completing the PSP process is vital to give everyone a clearer idea of the scale of how this, or other future proposals, might fit in with the identity and neighbourhood character of Riddells Creek and its surrounds. 

Council-managed PSP process

Since the approval of the site's rezoning to cater to urban growth in 2017, Council has been working with the developer to produce an appropriate PSP that responds to the character of Riddells Creek and achieves the best outcome possible for the community.

Most recently, this included the development of a revised proponent-led PSP for Council's consideration throughout 2022 and 2023, which was produced and refined through extensive consultation and detailed planning work. This culminated in a proposed planning scheme amendment to progress the draft Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan being tabled for endorsement at the April 2023 Planning Delegated Committee Meeting, where Council noted a submission received containing 1231 signatures and resolved not to support the proposal.

Documents produced during this process can be found here:

June 2022: Site Analysis and Key Ideas Summary Paper(PDF, 1MB)

July 2022: Community Engagement Report(PDF, 3MB)

August 2022: Community Consultation Response Report(PDF, 2MB)

November 2022: Community Planning Session - presentation(PDF, 1MB)

April 2023: April 2023 Planning Delegated Committee Meeting - attachments

If you have questions, call our Strategic Planning team on (03) 5422 0333 or email