The land north of Amess Road was designated as a ‘priority residential development precinct’ in 2013 as the Riddells Creek Structure Plan was prepared and completed.
The Riddells Creek Structure Plan forms part of Council’s greater Settlement Strategy, which provides overall direction for urban growth consistent with environmental constraints, community aspirations and government policy until 2036.
The site has been zoned for urban growth since 2017, when Council and the Minister for Planning identified two future growth areas to the north and south of the existing town. This followed consultation with the community on the Riddells Creek Structure Plan, and the subsequent Planning Scheme Amendment C100 that rezoned the precinct from Rural Living Zone, Schedule 1 (RLZ1) to Urban Growth Zone (UGZ).
In order for the precinct to develop, a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) must be prepared. A PSP provides a ‘blueprint’ for development and infrastructure investment that will occur over many years by outlining important features of the precinct for local communities such as roads, parks, key transport connections and areas for housing.
Completing the PSP process is vital to give everyone a clearer idea of the scale of how this, or other future proposals, might fit in with the identity and neighbourhood character of Riddells Creek and its surrounds.