Planning forms and fees

Statutory Planning fee information and copies of application forms are available in the sections below:


Current planning application fees are listed in our Fee Schedule(DOCX, 63KB) / Fee Schedule(PDF, 187KB).

You can pay over the phone or complete and return the Credit Card Authorisation Form(PDF, 157KB).

Most fees are set by State Government and adjusted each financial year. Fees may vary based on the scope (estimated cost of development) of the proposed works.

If an application requires more than one fee (e.g. combined subdivision and development) the fee will be the sum of the highest applicable fee, plus 50% of each lesser fee.

If you have any questions about which fee applies, call(03) 5422 0333 and check with our Statutory Planning team.

Apply for a planning permit online

To apply for a permit for any of the following, go to Applying for a Planning Permit:

  • Single Dwelling development
  • Development Permit
  • Subdivision Permit
  • Development and Subdivision Permit
  • Use only Permit
  • Use and Development Permit
  • Removal of Restrictive Covenant Create/Vary Restriction/Right of Way (ROW) or Easement (other than a Right of Way)

For other types of applications, see sections below.


Use this form to apply for a new planning permit to use and/or develop land and send to Council via mail. Visit the Apply for a Planning Permit page for more information on the application process.  


Application to Amend a Planning Permit(DOCX, 78KB) / Application to Amend a Planning Permit(PDF, 613KB)

Use this form to apply to amend an existing planning permit. Visit the Changes to your permit page for more information on the amendment process.

Note: to amend an undecided application for a planning permit (when a permit has not yet been issued) use the Amend an Undecided Planning Permit form instead.


Amend an Undecided Planning Permit Application(DOCX, 323KB)  / Amend an Undecided Planning Permit Application(PDF, 182KB)

Use this form to request an amendment to an undecided application for a planning permit. For example, if you had already applied for a permit to develop a house, you could request to add a shed to the application prior to the permit being issued.

If notice (advertising) has already been given for your application, or you are proposing additional use or development, fees will apply. 

Note: to amend a planning permit that has already been issued use the Application to Amend a Planning Permit form instead. 


Application to Extend a Planning Permit(DOCX, 219KB)Application to Extend a Planning Permit(PDF, 382KB)

Use this form to apply to extend the expiry date of your planning permit. For more information on this process visit the Changes to your permit page.


Request for Miscellaneous Planning Consent(DOCX, 218KB) / Request for Miscellaneous Planning Consent(PDF, 210KB)

Use this form to request planning consent when a Section 173 agreement or restrictive covenant on your title states that prior written consent of the Responsible Authority is required. For example, if a Section 173 agreement on your title states that "no development is permitted outside of the building envelope, unless with the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority" you can request consent to build a shed outside of the building envelope.

Council will consider your request and may grant or refuse consent.

If miscellaneous consent is granted it provides one-off consent only for the use or development specified in the application; the Section 173 or restrictive covenant is not amended and will remain in force.

Permanently amend or end a restriction or agreement

You can apply to permanently amend or end a restrictive covenant or Section 173 agreement. However, this is a more involved process and may be less likely to gain approval than miscellaneous consent.

  • To apply to permanently amend or end a restrictive covenant use the Application for a Planning Permit form.
  • To apply to permanently amend or end a Section 173 agreement use the Request to Amend or End a Section 173 Agreement form.


Request for Secondary Consent(DOCX, 218KB) / Request for Secondary Consent(PDF, 209KB)

Use this form to request consent for minor changes to plans endorsed under an existing planning permit. For more information visit the Changes to your permit page.

Note: more significant changes to plans, changes that may affect neighbours, or any changes to the permit description or conditions, cannot be considered under Secondary Consent. Please use the Application to Amend a Planning Permit form instead.


Submitting Plans to Comply with Permit Conditions(DOCX, 198KB)Submitting Plans to Comply with Permit Conditions(PDF, 211KB)

Use this form to submit plans (or other documents) to comply with the conditions of a planning permit. 


Request a Copy of a Planning Permit or Plans(DOCX, 227KB) / Request a Copy of a Planning Permit or Plans(PDF, 375KB)

Use this form to request a copy of a planning permit and any associated plans. There is a separate form if you require a copy of a building permit.

Permit availability

The development of house, or other building, does not always require a planning permit. If you are not sure if any planning permits have been issued for the property, please contact us on 03 5422 0333 to check prior to submitting the request form.

Property ownership

We can only provide copies of permits and plans to the property owner, or another person with signed consent of the property owner.


Request for Planning Advice(DOCX, 216KB) / Request for Planning Advice(PDF, 203KB)

Use this form to request written planning advice, such as whether or not your proposed works require a planning permit.


Application for a Certificate of Compliance(DOCX, 219KB) / Application for a Certificate of Compliance(PDF, 217KB)

Use this form to apply for a certificate stating that an existing or proposed use or development complies with the requirements of the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme at the date of the certificate.

Existing use rights

If you believe that existing use rights have been established, you will need to provide evidence such as:

  • Lease or licence records (tenancy lease, mining lease, agricultural lease etc.)
  • Utility and/or insurance records
  • Receipts/invoices evidencing purchases made over the preceding 15 years that relate to the use/business 
  • Records of any sales of livestock or other products
  • Statutory declarations (seek advice from a solicitor as to how this should be set out) made by persons who have direct knowledge of the use and who can verify:
    • The precise nature of the use undertaken on the land; and
    • The continuous use of the land for 15 years.


Application to Amend of End a Section 173 Agreement(DOCX, 220KB) / Application to Amend or End a Section 173 Agreement(PDF, 400KB)

Use this form to apply to amend or end a Section 173 agreement registered on your title. 

Don't forget to:

  • Complete all applicable sections of the form 
  • Attach a full current copy of title documents including a copy of the Section 173 agreement (available from Landata)
  • Pay the application fee

In-principle support

Council will initially consider your application and issue a letter indicating whether or not your proposal has our in-principle support. If we do not provide in-principle support, the application cannot proceed any further.

Notice of proposal (advertising)

If applicable, Council will then give notice of the proposal (advertise) to:

  • any other parties to the agreement; and
  • any persons that a decision to end or amend the agreement may cause material detriment to.


If no objections are made Council will either:

  • Amend or end the agreement in accordance with (or in a manner that is not substantively different to) the proposal. In this is case we will issue you with a letter and form that you must lodge with the Land Titles Office; or
  • Refuse to amend or end the agreement. In this case we will issue a refusal letter.

If there are objections to the proposal Council will either:

  • Issue a notice of decision to end or amend the agreement in accordance with (or in a manner that is not substantively different to) the proposal. We will send this notice to you and all objectors. If no application for review is made to VCAT we will then proceed to amend or end the agreement after 21 days; or
  • Issue a notice of decision to refuse to end or amend the agreement. We will send this notice to you and all objectors.

VicSmart Applications

VicSmart is a fast-track process for eligible straightforward planning permit applications.

Key features of VicSmart include:

  • A 10 business day permit process*
  • Applications are not advertised to the public
  • Information that applicants are required to submit is predetermined.

Find out more and start your VicSmart application