Certain kinds of application are exempt from objector review rights. However, if the application was advertised and you lodged an objection prior to the decision you will almost certainly have review rights.
If you objected to a planning application and Council decides to grant a permit, you will receive a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit. This notice will show all the conditions to be included on the Planning Permit, which will be issued after 28 days. You can apply to VCAT for a review of this decision within this 28 day period.
If you objected to a planning application and Council decides not to grant a permit, you will receive a Notice of Decision to Refuse to Grant a Permit. The permit applicant may apply to VCAT for a review of this decision. You will be told if this occurs, and have a right to join that case, unless the application is exempt from objector review rights.
In some circumstances, even if you did not object to the permit application, you can seek permission from VCAT to be joined as a party to the case.
More information: Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)