Your experience with Council is important to us. We value your feedback and encourage you to contact us if you're unhappy about:
- an action we have taken
- a decision we have made
- a service we have provided.
Your feedback will help us improve our services and provide a better community experience.
How to make a complaint
You can make your complaint to us in your preferred way. We will do our best to respond to you via your preferred contact method.
If you need support to make a complaint, contact us. We have a range of services available to assist you, including interpreters and audio assistance.
What information to include
We encourage you to provide as much information about your complaint as possible, so we can address your concerns. This includes:
- your name and contact details
- the reason for your complaint
- information / evidence supporting your complaint
- the outcome you are seeking
- whether you have any communication needs or preferences
We will accept and respond to anonymous complaints, if you provide enough information to do so.
How your complaint will be handled
As detailed in our Complaint and Unreasonable Behaviour Policy, we take a four tiered approach to handling complaints.
- Where possible, we’ll try to resolve your complaint when you first contact us.
- If your complaint can’t be resolved right away, it will be referred to a Council officer with specialist expertise for assessment. We aim to resolve complaints within 28 working days.
- If you believe we have made a wrong decision about your complaint, or if you’re unhappy with how your complaint was handled, you can request an internal review.
- If you are still unhappy with a decision or the processes followed in relation to your complaint, you can seek review by an external body, such as the Victorian Ombudsman.
For more information on our complaints process, refer to the below guides:
Unsure if it's a complaint?
We want to help resolve your issue or concern quickly and effectively. Below are some examples, to help you determine if your matter is best dealt with through our complaints process, or through another channel, to ensure it’s handled in the most timely and efficient way.