The Fire Danger Period for Macedon Ranges Shire is now in force. During this time, no fire may be lit in the open air without a permit.
Find out more about what you can and can’t do during this time
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Live or work in the Macedon Ranges? Learn about services and support for businesses, children, families, young people, older people and more.
Find information on Council's bin collection service, resource recovery facilities and and other waste services.
Support for new and existing businesses in the Macedon Ranges, including events and networks, permits and licences, and industry studies and strategies.
Find out about your responsibilities when keeping a pet, including registration, dog poo and barking, dogs off leash and how to surrender an animal you can’t look after.
We provide early childhood services, activities, information and support for parents and families for children from birth to eight years of age.
Find accessibility, meals, housing, visits, respite and fitness information for carers or people with a disability in the Macedon Ranges.
Find out more about our emergency planning, relief, response and recovery services.
Find out about weed control and other environmental services, features and initiatives in the Macedon Ranges.
Plan, prepare and respond. Emergency planning, warnings, relief and recovery in the Macedon Ranges.
Find information about leading safe and healthy lives in the Macedon Ranges.
Council is committed to working with agencies and government to help address the current housing crisis so that everyone in our community has access to safe and affordable housing.
Information for livestock owners in the Macedon Ranges and assistance with a lost, injured or nuisance animals.
Are you thinking about, or have you recently made a move to the Macedon Ranges?
Information for older people and seniors about support, exercise, meals, housing, transport and safety in the Macedon Ranges.
Works and maintenance of Council roads, drains and footpaths, as well as parking and road safety information.
Learn about how you can protect our waterways and our commitment to recycled water. Find out about septic tanks, wastewater and standpipes.
Awards, leadership opportunities, events, mental health programs and youth spaces to support the development of young people in our shire