Bin collection days

Enter your full address (e.g. 1 Smith Street) into the search box below to:

  • find out your next collection day
  • download your annual bin collection calendar

You can also find out your collection day, set reminders to put the bins out and more by downloading the MRSC Waste App to your smartphone. 

Your bin collection days

Enter your address above, including your house number. e.g. 1 Smith Street

Christmas period (25-28 December 2024)

Bins will not be collected on Wednesday 25 December 2024. If your collection day falls on 25 December, your bins will be collected Thursday 26 December. 

If your collection day falls on Thursday 26 December or Friday 27 December, please put your bins out as usual. There may be a slight delay in collecting the bins (up to 24 hours) but please put them on your kerb when you normally would and leave them out until collected. 

All bins will be collected by 6pm Saturday 28 December. If your bin is not collected after this time, call our customer service team on (03) 5422 0333

Fire Danger and Total Fire Ban Days

Bins will not be collected on Catastrophic (Fire Danger Rating) days.If your collection falls on one of these days, your bins will be collected the following day, or as soon as possible after the fire danger downgrade—even on weekends.

If a Total Fire Ban has been declared for the day, contractors will start their collection earlier in the morning. Please ensure your bin is out the night before so you don't miss the collection. 

Printable bin collection calendars

Printed collection calendars are available on request. You can request a printed calendar to be sent to you by completing this request form or visiting a customer service centre.