Sort your load and save

You can save time, effort and money by making a few small changes to the way you pack your load before your trip to a resource recovery facility.

Resource recovery facilities accept many recyclable items for free, by sorting your load into recyclable and non-recyclable materials you can lower the cost of your load.

Residents can dispose of the following materials free of charge:

  • Batteries
  • Electronic waste (E-waste) - televisions, radios, video players, DVD players any general electric household items with a plug, cord or battery (NOTE: separate your metal e-waste (e.g. white goods) from your plastic e-waste (e.g. hair dryer to save even more time)
  • Glass bottles/jars
  • Light globes (all types)
  • Mobile phones 
  • Paper and cardboard (please separate) - household quantities (you can bundle using cotton string or twine, not plastic)
  • Polystyrene
  • Scrap metal - white goods, steel, metal cans, lawn mowers, wire, aluminium
  • Selected printer cartridges
  • Selected soft plastics
  • Textiles
  • X-rays

More information: accepted items and fees


  • Check ahead to find out what can be recycled.
  • Pack your trailer so the attendant can easily see what is in your load.
  • Pack similar materials together.
  • Separate recyclable from non-recyclable.
  • Secure your load with a net, tie down straps or ropes before you head off to a resource recovery facility.

Secure your load

Did you know it is illegal not to secure your load? Loose loads can be dangerous, and sometimes fatal, to you and other drivers. Motorists who fail to secure their load may be fined. Always ensure your load is correctly secured with nets, tie down straps or ropes before you head off to a resource recovery facility.

For more information please visit the VicRoads website.