Waste A-Z of what goes where

Did you know you can also find the A-Z guide of what goes where, complete with images and a search function by downloading the MRSC Waste App on your smartphone? Download for Android or Apple.


Fridge magnets(PDF, 919KB) are available for pick up from the Council customer service centres, neighbourhood houses and libraries for free. Grab one soon to help remind you  of what goes in which bin. 



How to dispose of it

Aerosol cans (empty)

Aerosol can (filled)

Recycling bin

Detox Your Home collection

Aluminium cans Recycling bin
Aluminium foil and foil trays (must be scrunched up in a ball) Recycling bin (scrunched up)
Animal droppings (wrapped in home compostable liner or newspaper) FOGO bin
Animal hair and fur FOGO bin
Animal (deceased, small i.e. mouse, bird) Wrap in newspaper and put in FOGO bin
Asbestos Professional asbestos removal company
Ash (cold ash only) FOGO bin


Item How to dispose of it
Bags (disposable, plastic)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or shire-wide pilot or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Bandaids Rubbish/general waste bin
Batteries (household/car/solar)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Customer service centres (Household only) or

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)

Baby formula tins (empty) Recycling bin
BBQ Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Bed (damaged)

Bed (good condition)

Resource recovery facilities

Some op shops (call to check first)

Bedding (damaged)

Bedding (good condition)

Resource recovery facilities

Some op shops (call to check first)


Donate to charity or

Resource recovery facilities


Donate to charity or

Recycling bin

Bottle tops (plastic)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)

Rubbish/general waste bin

Bottle tops and lids (metal) Recycling bin

Bottles (plastic with tops removed)

Recycling bin

Bottles (glass with tops removed)

Glass-only bin or

Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Branches and prunings (small)

FOGO bin or

Home compost or

Resource recovery facilities

Branches and prunings (large)  Resource recovery facilities
Bread tags (plastic)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Customer service centres (drop box)

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check) 

Aussie bread tags for wheelchairs or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Bricks and rubble  Resource recovery facilities  
Bubble wrap 

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or shire-wide pilot or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Building waste Resource recovery facilities
Butcher/Deli paper

Recycling bin or 

FOGO bin


 Item How to dispose of it
Cans (aluminium and steel) Recycling bin
Car bodies and parts (remove fuel, oil, LPG tanks and batteries for separate recycling) Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Recycling bin or

FOGO bin

Carpet Resource recovery facilities
Cartons/Tetrapaks (milk, juice, long-life cartons) Recycling bin
Cartridges (printer) accepted participating brands only

Customer service centres (drop box)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)

Cask water/wine (box)

Cask water/wine (clear bladder)

Cask water/wine (foil bladder)

Recycling bin 

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or shire-wide pilot

Rubbish/general waste bin


Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Donate to op shops

CDs and DVDs

Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Donate to op shops


CD and DVD covers (hard plastic) Recycling bin
Cellophane Rubbish/general waste bin
Ceramics (broken) Rubbish/general waste bin
Ceramics (unbroken) Donate to charity
Cereal boxes Recycling bin

Chemicals (pool/garden/household)

Chemical (farm)

Detox Your Home collection

ChemClear or freecall 1800 008 182 for collection of unwanted rural chemicals

Cigarette butts Rubbish/general waste bin
Clean fill (must have certificate for consideration)
Contact a commercial landfill for disposal of clean fill material.
Clean fill may be considered for acceptance at resource recovery facilities if it is accompanied by a clean fill certificate and is not of a commercial quantity.

Cleaning products (bleach, detergents etc.)

Detox Your Home collection
Cleaning product bottles (empty) 

Recycling bin

Cling wrap (soft scrunchable plastic)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or shire-wide pilot or

Rubbish/general waste bin 

Clothing and textiles (good condition)

Donate to op shops

Clothing and textiles (damaged)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Rubbish/general waste bin 

Coffee cups (disposable)

Coffee cup lids

Recycling bin

Rubbish/general waste bin

Coffee cups (compostable Look for symbols)  FOGO bin
Coffee pods

Specialised recycling program - contact your supplier or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Compostable packaging (Look for symbols) FOGO bin
Computer and computer parts Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Residential quantities (resource recovery facilities

Commercial quantities (contact a commercial recycler, Repurpose It)

Confidential waste paper - NOT shredded

Confidential waste paper - shredded

Confidential waste paper disposal company

Home compost or confidential waste paper disposal company

Cooking oil

Small quantities can be soaked up with paper towel or newspaper and placed in FOGO bin

Larger quantities can be stored in a sealable container and placed in general waste bin or

Detox Your Home collection

Commercial quantities can be recycled through specialised services 

Cooking oil tins (empty) Recycling bin
Cosmetics (make up, nail polish, remover) Detox Your Home collection

Cotton balls


Cotton buds (disposable)

Cotton buds (compostable)                            

Rubbish/general waste bin



 Item How to dispose of it 

Deodorant cans/bottles (empty, plastic/metal)

Deodorant bottles (empty, glass) 

Recycling bin

Rubbish/general waste bin

Drink bottles (juice/milk - not glass) Recycling bin
Duvet/doona (poor condition)  Resource recovery facilities 


 Item How to dispose of it
Egg cartons Recycling bin
Electrical appliances Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Electrical waste (e-waste)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or 

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)   

Engineered wood or treated timber Resource recovery facilities
Envelopes Recycling bin


Item How to dispose of it

Face masks (disposable)




Face masks (cloth)

Rubbish/general waste bin

Learn more about face masks on the Department Health and Human Services website

Woodend Community Centre (TerraCycle drop box)


Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Feathers FOGO bin
Fencing wood - treated or engineered Resource recovery facilities
Fire extinguishers Resource recovery facilities
Floppy discs  Resource recovery facilities

FOGO bin or

Home compost

Foam packaging

If polystyrene, resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Food scraps (vegetable/fruit)

FOGO bin or

Home compost

Food scraps (all cooked/uncooked including meat) FOGO bin 
Fuels Detox Your Home collections
Furniture (good condition)

Donate to charity or

Resource recovery facilities


 Item How to dispose of it
Garden waste

FOGO bin

Resource recovery facilities *conditions apply

Garden tools and equipment Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Gas bottles/cylinders Resource recovery facilities
General waste and household rubbish

Rubbish/general waste bin or

Resource recovery facilities

Glass (broken window or drinking - wrapped for safety) Rubbish/general waste bin

Glass bottles (no lids, labels are okay)

Glass-only bin or

Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Glass jars and containers (no lids, labels are okay)

Glass-only bin or

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) 

Glasses (optical) Recycle for sight program
Gloves (disposable) Rubbish/general waste bin
Grass clippings 

FOGO bin or

Home compost or

Resource recovery facilities


 Item How to dispose of it
Hard waste (furniture, white goods, building waste, car parts, mattresses) Resource recovery facilities
Hearing aids Recycled Sound
Hose Rubbish/general waste bin

Hot water bottle (good condition)

Hot water bottle 

Consider donating to op shops

Rubbish/general waste bin

Hot water units Resource recovery facilities


Item How to dispose of it
Ice-cream containers (plastic or carton) Recycling bin 


 Item How to dispose of it

Jars (glass with lids removed)

Glass-only bin or

Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Juice bottles (lids removed - not glass) Recycling bin
Juice cartons Recycling bin
Junk mail Recycling bin


Item How to dispose of it
Keys (scrap metal) Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Kitty litter (home compostable) 

FOGO bin or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Kitty litter (non-home compostable)  Rubbish/general waste bin


 Item How to dispose of it
Lawn mowers Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

FOGO bin or                                                   

Home compost or

Resource recovery facilities

Lids (metal)  Recycling bin
Light globes (all) Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Lighters Detox Your Home collection
Linen (poor condition) Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Long-life cartons  Recycling bin


 Item How to dispose of it
Magazines Recycling bin
Margarine containers Recycling bin
Masks (disposable) More information is available above under 'F' for 'face masks'
Mattresses Resource recovery facilities

Meat trays (foam) 

Meat trays (plastic)                                     

Rubbish/general waste bin

Recycling bin

Medicine bottles/jars (plastic, empty and clean) Recycling bin

Local pharmacy through Return unwanted medicines program

Metal - small pieces (nuts, bolts, screws, nails, keys)

Metal - larger items

Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Microwaves Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Milk container (plastic)  Recycling bin
Milk cartons Recycling bin
Mirrors (broken and chipped - wrapped)  Rubbish/general waste bin
Mobile phones 

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Customer service centres (FREE) or

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)


Item How to dispose of it
Nappies (disposable)

Rubbish/general waste bin

View our tips for reducing odours

Needles Find a needle exchange
Newspapers/office papers

Recycling bin or

FOGO bin


Item How to dispose of it
Oil (engine) Resource recovery facilities (FREE up to 20 litres)


Item How to dispose of it


paintback or

Melton Recycling Facility or

Eaglehawk Recycle Shop

Paint tins (empty and dry) Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Paper Recycling bin
Paper (shredded)  FOGO bin
Paper (plastic laminated) Rubbish/general waste bin
Paper towel

FOGO bin or

Home compost

Paper plates 

Recycling bin (clean) or

FOGO bin (food soiled)

Pen, pencil

Rubbish/general waste bin

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)

Woodend Community Centre

Perfume bottle Rubbish/general waste bin
Pesticides Detox Your Home collection
Pet food bags

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or shire-wide pilot or

Rubbish/general waste bin 

Pet food tins Recycling bin
Phone books Recycling bin
Photographs Rubbish/general waste bin
Pillows (poor condition) Resource recovery facilities 
Pizza boxes

Recycling bin (must be clean) or

FOGO bin (if oily and food soiled)

Plant cuttings

FOGO bin or

Home compost or

Resource recovery facilities 

Plant pots (plastic) Recycling bin

Plastic containers (rigid, under 5L)

(e.g. ice cream containers, yoghurt and butter tubs)

Recycling bin

Learn more about recycling symbols and labels

Plastic containers (over 5L) Rubbish/general waste bin
Plastic shopping bags

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or shire-wide pilot or 

Rubbish/general waste bin

Plastic wraps and films (soft scrunchable plastics) 

Plastic wraps with silver lining (eg. biscuit/chocolate wraps)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or shire-wide pilot or

Rubbish/general waste bin or shire-wide pilot

Poisons, pesticides and herbicides Detox Your Home collection

Clean, white polystyrene can be recycled at our resource recovery facilities or

Rubbish/general waste bin or

Contact Expanded Polystyrene Australia 

Pots and pans (metal with plastic handle removed) Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Pottery, porcelain and pyrex (broken)  Rubbish/general waste bin
Pottery, porcelain and pyrex (unbroken)

Donate to charity or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Printer/toner cartridges (accepted participating brands only)

Customer service centres (drop box)

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or 

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)

Punnets (berry)  Recycling bin
Pyrex containers Rubbish/general waste bin


No results


Item How to dispose of it
Records  Resource recovery facilities
Refrigerators Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Rose clippings/prunings

FOGO bin 

Resource recovery facilities


Rubbish/general waste bin

Woodend Community Centre

Rugs Resource recovery facilities


Item How to dispose of it
Sawdust (untreated wood) FOGO bin
Scrap metals (including nails, BBQ, bolts, screws, keys) Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Shampoo/conditioner/soap bottles (excluding pumps)  Recycling bin

Shoes and work boots (good condition)

Shoes and work boots (poor condition)

Tread Lightly or Donate to charity

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Silage wrap

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Solar panels

Romsey resource recovery facility (FREE)

Please leave junction box and leads connected.

Soft drink cans (empty) Recycling bin
Soft plastics

Accepted items (resource recovery facilities) or shire-wide pilot or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Stationery items (except paper)

Rubbish/general waste bin

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check)

Woodend Community Centre

Syringes/sharps Find a needle exchange


Item How to dispose of it

Take away food containers (plastic) 

Take away food containers (cardboard - unwaxed) 

Recycling bin


Tea bags

FOGO bin

Telephone books Recycling bin
Televisions Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
TetraPaks (milk, juice cartons etc.) Recycling bin


Textiles (good condition)

Textiles (damaged)

Donate to charity

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Rubbish/General waste bin

Timber Resource recovery facilities
Tin cans  Recycling bin
Tissues and napkins

FOGO bin

Toothbrush, toothpaste tubes

Rubbish/general waste bin

Woodend Community Centre

Toilet rolls Recycling bin
Toner cartridges (accepted participating brands only)

Council offices

Resource recovery facilities (FREE)

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check) 

Toys - broken/poor condition with
battery operated or chargeable via power

Resource recovery facilities (FREE)


Donate to charity or

Rubbish/general waste bin

Tyres Resource recovery facilities


No results


Item  How to dispose of it
Vacuum cleaner dust Rubbish/general waste bin
Vapes/e-cigarettes Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Vegetable scraps

FOGO bin or

Home compost

VHS tapes  Resource recovery facilities 
Vitamin bottles/jars (plastic and empty)  Recycling bin 


Item How to dispose of it
Washing powder boxes  Recycling bin
Waxed cardboard Rubbish/general waste bin
Weeds (non-noxious)

FOGO bin or

Home compost or

Resource recovery facilities

Weeds (noxious) 

FOGO bin or

Resource recovery facilities

White goods  Resource recovery facilities (FREE)
Wildlife (deceased, i.e. rabbit, possum, kangaroo) Contact Council for assistance
Window glass (broken and wrapped)  Rubbish/general waste bin
Wipes (baby and make-up removal) Rubbish/general waste bin
Wood - treated timber or engineered wood Resource recovery facilities
Wooden icy pole sticks, cutlery, toothpicks FOGO bin
Wool  FOGO bin
Wrapping paper  Recycling bin


Item How to dispose of it

Resource recovery facilities (FREE) or

Some neighbourhood houses (Contact them to check) 


Item How to dispose of it
Yoghurt containers Recycling bin 
Yoghurt pouches  Rubbish/general waste bin


No results