Industry groups and networks

Council works with a number of industry groups and networks within the Macedon Ranges. Some of these are formal associations with a membership base that you can join, while others are informal networks and industry groups that meet with Council on a regular basis.

Industry groups

Business and Tourism Associations (BATA)

Association members are local business stakeholders with an interest in supporting the growth of existing and new businesses, business to business relationships and partnerships in local destination marketing.

Macedon Ranges Accommodation Association (MRAA)

Members service the Macedon Ranges with a wide variety of accommodation properties and endeavour to provide support and encourage education and networking opportunities for accommodation businesses across the shire.

Visit or email 

Macedon Ranges Vignerons Association (MRVA)

The Macedon Ranges Vignerons Association represents vignerons from throughout the Macedon Ranges wine region. Providing support to local vignerons, their priorities are regional marketing and promotions, industry development, innovation, collaboration and forming strategic partnerships.


This Farm Needs a Farmer

Connects tree changers with experienced farmers looking to lend a helping hand and those seeking advice about what is best for their property and its needs.

To connect with local farmers in your area, or to arrange an on-site visit email or follow on Facebook.


We work with a range of industry networks who provide support and advice to Council and assist with the implementation of strategy actions.

Daylesford Macedon Tourism (DMT)

Daylesford Macedon Tourism is the peak industry body for tourism in the Daylesford and Macedon Ranges region, that works cooperatively with Council via a memorandum of understanding. They are an independent body focusing on the development and growth of the tourism industry, strategic tourism investment and advocacy.

Their role is to provide strategies, guidance and foster a united, engaged and successful industry, and achieve this by working with all key stakeholders to ensure a consistent approach to tourism development and marketing across the region.

Tourism Macedon Ranges Inc. (TMR)

Tourism Macedon Ranges Inc. (TMR) is a local not for profit association. It is the peak representative tourism body for businesses involved in the tourism industry within the Macedon Ranges Shire. 

TMR works with Macedon Ranges Shire Council, via a memorandum of understanding, to assist with the development and implementation of the Macedon Ranges Visitor Economy Strategy 2019-2029.

Working collaboratively with Council’s tourism unit, TMR provides Council with:

  • input and assistance with strategic planning
  • support with implementation and prioritising actions of the Visitor Economy Strategy 2019-2029
  • industry research and intelligence
  • advice and support for tourism-related activities in the shire
  • development of business partnerships and strengthening cohesion of the tourism industry. 


For more information, call Economic Development and Tourism on (03) 5421 9674 or