About kindergarten

Council manages eight kindergartens in the shire. We are committed to providing quality early childhood education and care with a strong focus on quality improvement, and uphold the principles that guide the National Quality Standards that inform the delivery of quality early childhood education and care.

Our kindergartens are places of learning, with educational programs and facilities specifically designed to build your child’s skills and confidence, and prepare them for their first years at school.

For more information about kindergarten, visit Kindergarten: Best Start, Best Life (Victorian Government website) 

Council's kindergartens and early years services are guided by the Municipal Early Years Plan 2021 - 2025: CREATE

Register your child for three and four-year-old kindergarten.

Three year old kindergarten

Designed as an introduction to kindergarten as we know two years are better than one, your child will get their first taste of learning as part of a wider group of children their own age. This program is particularly valuable for children who have not been in formal care outside the home.  

Children who will turn three years of age on, or before, 30 April in the year of attendance, are eligible to enrol in a funded three-year-old kindergarten. If your child turns 3 after the kindergarten year starts, their commencement in the program will be delayed until their third birthday. If a kindergarten place is offered and accepted, it will be put on hold until your child has turned 3 years of age. 

All council managed kindergartens offer 15 hours of free three-year-old kindergarten per week. 



Early Start Kindergarten

Free or low cost kindergarten for eligible families


* filmed and produced by the Victorian Government Department of Education.

Early Start Kindergarten gives eligible children 15 hours of free kindergarten a week.

To be eligible your child must be three years old by 30 April in the year they'll start kindergarten, and

  • your child is from a refugee or asylum seeker background, or
  • your child is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or
  • your family has had contact with Child Protection (or been referred to Child FIRST).

If your child has used Early Start they can get free or low cost four year old kindergarten.

How to apply

Early Start Kindergarten is available in all kindergarten programs delivered by a qualified teacher. You can enrol your child by contacting a kindergarten near you, and asking to access an Early Start Kindergarten grant. You can also contact us for assistance on (03) 5422 0239

For more information, visit Early Start Kindergarten

Four year old kindergarten

Kindergarten is a play-based learning environment for children in the year before school. Children are eligible to attend 4-year-old kindergarten if they turn four years old by 30 April in the year of attendance.

Council managed kindergartens provide 15 hours of free four-year-old kindergarten per week. .

Parent Information Handbook

Starting kindergarten is an important milestone in the lives of both you and your child. Some children, like adults, will take time to settle into a new environment and our Educators are here to help  to assist your child throughout their year and their preparation in the transition to school.

Still have questions? Our (PDF, 2MB)Kindergarten Parent Information Handbook can help (see below) or call us on (03) 5422 0239. Please note that this booklet remains subject to change throughout the year (e.g. to update TBC dates).


Policies and Procedures

Kinder Tick

The Kinder Tick is being introduced to help families recognise funded kindergarten programs that have been approved by the Victorian Government and meet the set requirements needed to receive government funding. Council is a proud partner of the Kinder Tick initiative.  

Find out more information on the Kinder Tick

Koorie Kids Shine

Koorie Kids Shine provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with up to 15 hours of free kindergarten each week. To be eligible, a child must turn 3 or 4 by 30 April in the year they go to kindergarten.  Aboriginal families provide a strong foundation for their children’s early learning and development. Kindergarten is a great place for kids to continue to grow and develop. At kindergarten, children will make new friends, enjoy fun activities, and get ready for school in a safe and supportive environment.

Children will:

  • learn through play, art, music and dance
  • learn to express themselves in a safe, inclusive and caring environment
  • build the skills and confidence to prepare them for school

Kindergarten programs have a qualified teacher and work hard to create culturally safe places for Aboriginal children and families, such as including Aboriginal perspectives in the learning curriculum and environment and encouraging children’s growth through indoor and outdoor learning environments.

For more information, call the Department of Education on 1800 338 663 (or call 131 450 first to get an interpreter) or visit Koorie kids shine 

Our kindergarten community

Parents are welcome to participate in their child’s kindergarten experience. Parents can assist in sessions, share skills and interest with the children, provide support for activities or become involved in the kindergarten committee. Kindergarten committees focus on providing social opportunities for families, networking, developing partnerships with staff and the kindergarten community and fundraising.  

Any parent/guardian helpers volunteering in a kindergarten program will need to have been double vaccinated.

We aim to foster and maintain positive relationships between parents and staff. Exchanging of information on a regular basis is essential if we are to achieve our aim.

To reach out to or provide feedback to the team leaders of your early years service, email eyregionalleader@mrsc.vic.gov.au

Early Years Team Philosophy

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is on Dja Dja Wurrung, Taungurung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Countries. We respect their Elders past, present and emerging and welcome Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People who attend or visit our services.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is a child safe organisation. Council understands that child safety is everyone's responsibility and prides itself on being a child safe organisation with zero tolerance for child abuse. This means creating environments where all children and young people are heard, valued and protected from harm and abuse.

We aim to:

  • Embrace the rights, values, cultures and uniqueness of each child
  • Provide a play-based curriculum and that is responsive to the environment, and children's needs and interests
  • Advocate for the children, early childhood services and our profession
  • Communicate openly, maintain confidentiality and provide support to children and their families
  • Encourage Educators strengths, knowledge and expertise in the development of programs
  • Create team efficiency working together, consistently and collaboratively
  • Seek opportunities to continually improve our programs, facilities and the development of our Educators
  • Improve outcomes for all children through the delivery of accessible and inclusive programs
  • Utilise technology in the program to enable children to connect to their world
  • Work towards more environmentally sustainable facilities and programs
  • Promote the importance of volunteering and being involved in the kindergarten community to kindergarten families, and provide advice and support to volunteers. 

Customer Service Charter

This Customer Service Charter is an expression of our commitment to providing a high standard of service, and ensuring consistency and sustainability in service delivery.

COVID and illness


Council is continuing to take a proactive approach in protecting the health and wellbeing of the community following the outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19.  Everyone in the community has a role to play in protecting themselves and stopping the spread of COVID-19.

For latest information regarding latest updates, visit the Department of Health and Human Services


In line with the services infectious diseases policy(PDF, 570KB) , parents/guardians are responsible for keeping their child at home if they are unwell or have an excludable infectious disease. Council ask that you keep your child home if they are displaying any of the following symptoms:

  • fever
  • chills or sweats
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • shortness of breath
  • runny nose
  • loss of sense of smell or taste
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea

In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, may also be considered.  Services will send unwell children home in accordance with preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services.  

Please notify your Kindergarten Educator if your child will not be attending the session due to illness.