More information and links to support services are provided on our website, following an incident in Riddells Creek on Monday afternoon (11 November).
Find out more
Our commitment to ensuring the Macedon Ranges is a place where people of all ages and abilities can achieve optimal health and wellbeing.
Apply for, renew or cancel a permit for parking in designated spaces located throughout the shire.
There are a range of services in the shire to help you ensure your business is inclusive.
Exercise and fitness programs suitable for people with disabilities and older people
Council's role in social and seniors housing and who to contact if you need housing or social support.
As part of our International Day of People with Disability 2023, everyone is invited to take part in a photo competition about showcasing inclusion.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national reform that will provide a new approach to delivering services and support for people with a disability.
Changing Places facilities are larger than standard accessible toilets, and have extra features and more space to meet the needs of people with a disability and their carers.