
The Macedon Ranges has a diverse range of bird fauna from the abundant Australian Magpie to the rare Gang-gang Cockatoo.

Each Spring, Council runs the Macedon Ranges Bird Blitz but we like to promote birds and their habitat all year round. Birds are an essential part of the natural environment, and they also delight us in our backyards. 

Lots of bird resources

Birds of the Macedon Ranges Guide

We have created a guide to the most common birds that you will find in the Macedon Ranges.

The Birds of the Macedon Ranges Guide(PDF, 19MB) is available in digital form or can be picked up from one of our offices. 

Birds of the Macedon Ranges webinar

The webinar delves into the wonderful world of birds in the Macedon Ranges – and shows how our bird guide can be used to springboard your birdwatching journey. 

Rare Birds Webinar

On Threatened Species Day 7 September 2022, Tanya Loos, our Biodiversity Project Officer presented a one hour webinar introducing some of our beautiful and threatened birds of the Macedon Ranges. Featuring the Powerful Owl, Gang-gang Cockatoo and more, Tanya also talks about why we have threatened bird species, and acknowledges the Landcare groups and the Biolinks Alliance who are helping extend and protect habitat in our region.

Note: the presentation recording starts a couple of slides in, after an introduction, acknowledgement of Country and explanation of Threatened Species Day.

Creating a bird friendly garden

  • Use locally native plants – building a garden of local indigenous species ensures that you are catering for birds in the local region and supporting local plant genetics. Locally native plants are also easier to grow as the climate and soil conditions best support these species. See creating a bird friendly garden(PDF, 1MB) for a few locally native species to consider.
  • Supply a source of water – birds require a regular source of water. A bowl is sufficient for small birds. It is important to keep the water topped up as the birds will rely on it.
  • Provide leaf litter – rake leaves under trees and shrubs as this encourages insects and worms. It also provides an excellent source of nutrients for your plants.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals and pesticides – these can be harmful to birds and will lead to reduced diversity of insects which are a primary source of protein for birds.
  • Hollowed logs and fallen branches – loose timber provides shelter for small lizards and native mammals. Logs also provide birds with cover from predators and places to search for food.
  • Cats – keep your cat inside or consider an outdoor cat enclosure, particularly after dark. It is also advised to have a bell on your cat’s collar which can alert birds of their presence.

If you would like to find out more about local bird species, see our fact sheet Common Birds of the Macedon Ranges(PDF, 2MB)

Bird activities for kids

BirdLife Australia have some great bird activities for kids.

Test your bird knowledge, play Bird Bingo or download some colouring pages. 

Swooping birds

At certain times of the year, birds such as Magpies and Masked Lapwings (commonly called plovers) will swoop if they feel threatened. However, not all birds swoop to protect their eggs and young during breeding season, so don't be concerned because there are Magpies or other common swooping birds in the area. Visit Victoria's Swooping Bird Map to see locations where people were swooped. 

Common swooping birds are:

  • Australian Magpie - They breed from August to October and are very protective of their young. 
  • Magpie-lark - Swooping is less common and most swoops are only a bluff. They breed from January to December.
  • Laughing Kookaburra - During the breeding season from September to January, Kookaburras attack their reflection in windows. Feeding Kookaburras encourages this behaviour. 
  • Red Wattle Bird - Their breeding season is from July to December.
  • Grey Butcher bird - They breed from July to January and like the Australian Magpie, may swoop if they feel threatened.
  • Masked Lapwing - commonly called plovers, their breeding season is from July to November.

Indian Mynas

Indian Mynas, also known as Common Mynas, present a threat to biodiversity, primary producers, and our urban landscapes and are increasing in numbers in many urban and rural areas.

The species was introduced to the Australian landscape to combat insect pests that were a problem in Queensland. It is now a common resident across eastern Australia and is very successful at competing with other species for food and nesting sites.

You can help prevent their spread and the problems they cause by recording sightings in your area with MynaScan, or getting involved in the Macedon Ranges Indian Myna Action Group (MRIMAG).

The MRIMAG operates as a special project under Woodend Landcare and seeks to remove the introduced Indian Myna from the local environment. It operates with a team of coordinators that provide volunteer participants with specially designed Myna Traps. To find out how you can get involved to assist with the program, contact Ron Fink on email

BirdLife Australia has more information on the species including feeding, behaviour and habitat. 

Indian Myna Bird


The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (easily identified with their white body and yellow crest) is particularly prone to becoming a nuisance as a result of being fed by humans. It is natural for these birds to spend a large part of the day browsing for seeds, grass, plants, nuts and insects.

Cockatoos need to chew items to maintain their beaks at the correct length and condition. In the wild, they achieve this by chewing bark and branches in their roost trees. When people feed them, they tend to hang around that location. This can result in cockatoos chewing on fittings, outdoor furniture, or vegetation on neighbouring properties. Removing the food source may be enough to move them on to another area.

For more information, Wildlife Victoria have produced a detailed document, Guidelines for Reducing Cockatoo Damage - Wildlife Management Methods.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo