Revegetating your property
Revegetation is best carried out using local indigenous plants (plants native to your area).
The Macedon Ranges Shire contains many different ecosystems that are characterised by different types of plants. These ecosystems are known as ecological vegetation classes (EVCs). Some properties have multiple underlying EVCs which were present prior to European settlement depending on the site’s geology, soil type and climate.
To view the EVCs that apply to your property:
- Open Council's online mapping service, Pozi maps.
- Find your property by searching the address using the magnifying glass in the top left hand corner of the page.
- Scroll down the panel on the left hand side until you reach "Ecological Vegetation Class".
- Click to show you the EVC that applies to your property, noting that there could be more than one EVC. Click on the EVC class for more information.
To download the revegetation species list relevant to your property, continue with the steps below:
5. Click on the EVC class and then on "Ecological Vegetation Class Document".
6. Click on "Native Revegetation Species List".
Please note that your property may have more than one EVC type, at step 4 you may need to click on the area specific to where you would like to revegetate.
April/May to September is a good time to plant, or any time of the year when the soil is wet.
Planting sites should be prepared two to three weeks prior to planting, by hand weeding or spraying with herbicide in circles of one metre in diameter to kill competition plants.
During planting, remember to provide adequate water until the plant is established. Drying out is a major cause of planting failure.
Spacing of plants is very important. Trees that have been planted too close together will have their growth stunted as a result of dense plantings. This could cause a number of other issues including short lifespan of trees. As a general guide, plants can be spaced as follows:
- Canopy trees = 1 plant per 5 square metres
- Shrub layers = 1 plant per 2–3 square metres
- Ground covers/grasses = 4–5 plants per 1 square metre
For more information about local indigenous plant species, visit our Native Plants page to view our guide to the native flora of the Macedon Ranges(PDF, 11MB).