Horses and livestock

Are your horses part of your bushfire plan?

Most fires can be managed if they occur on normal days. Fires that occur on fire danger ratings of extreme and catastrophic are days when fire crews often struggle to contain a fire.

To plan for days when the fire danger rating is high, you can consider relocating your horses to areas that are not prone to bushfire. 

For further information on horses and bushfires, see our factsheet and information on horses and bushfire survival plans.

Registering your property can help identify your animals

A property identification code (PIC) is used to determine where animals are normally housed so authorities can direct animal welfare officers and veterinarians to these locations, following an emergency.

You can register a PIC with Department of Agriculture

Emergency Relief Centres

An emergency relief centre is a designated place to go when there is an emergency that is likely to affect a large number of people. 

Emergency relief centres offer support and information, food, material needs, emergency shelter and, if necessary, temporary accommodation. 

All animals are welcome at relief centres but they must be under the supervision of the owner/carer at all times, and you must bring basic provisions for them. Where possible, they should be contained.

Council will open an emergency relief centre when requested to do so by the agency that is responsible for the emergency. 

For information on where an emergency relief centre is opening, and to keep up to date with any fires in your area, you should use a range of sources including VIC Emergency and ABC radio.


Protecting the livestock on your property from bushfires requires that you prepare and plan well.

For more specific information about livestock, visit the Department of Agriculture