Stay informed during and after a disaster

Help is always available during and after an emergency. Knowing who to contact is important.

In the event of a life threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

It’s important to never rely on one source of official emergency information. 

How to access emergency information and stay informed

  • Visit the VicEmergency website
  • Download the VicEmergency app from the App Store or Google Play
  • Call the VicEmergency hotline on 1800 226 226
  • Listen to local emergency broadcasters: ABC Radio (774 AM in Melbourne or 91.1FM in Bendigo)
  • If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired, call the National Relay Service:
  • TTY users phone 1800 555 660 and ask for 1800 226 226.
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 226 226
  • Internet relay users connect to the NRS then ask for 1800 226 226
  • To report a fire or emergency (TTY users only), access TTY 106. This is a dedicated text-based emergency relay service with direct access to fire, police and ambulance services. It can only be contacted through a TTY machine, not from a mobile phone or ordinary phone.
  • For non-English speakers, the Translating and Interpreting Service can provide information from the VicEmergency Hotline. Call 131 450.
  • VicDeaf has created an online Deaf Emergency Information resource for deaf and hearing impaired people in emergencies. 

Emergency Alert +61 444 444 444

Emergency Alert is the national telephone warning system.

Do not block +61 444 444 444.

This number is related to Emergency Alert service. If the caller ID number or message header on your phone displays the number '+61 444 444 444' it is genuine.

Find out more: Emergency Alert

Learn how to use the VicEmergency app and website