Ticketing information


Ticketed events at Kyneton Town Hall are managed through the Arts and Culture unit. Box Office hours are 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Ticketing fees apply for hirers of Kyneton Town Hall.

The Box Office will also be open one hour prior to every performance. 

How to buy tickets

You can:

Companion Card holders

We are proud to be affiliated with the Companion Card Program. One carer per two paying audience members is permitted with each group booking. Individuals who need carers to accompany them should discuss their needs at the time of booking seats. 

Carer card program

We recognise the significant contribution and commitment that carers provide supporting family members and friends who are frail, aged or have disabilities. 

We support the Victorian Government's Carer Card program by offering Concession discounts to all Carer Card Holders. If you have any questions about the Carer Card Program, call 1800 901 958 or see the Carer Card Program

Children's tickets

Children's tickets are valid for ages two to 15 years. Children under two years do not require a ticket, providing they sit on an adult's knee.

Children under the age of 15 must be under the supervision of a responsible adult (18 years of age or older) at all times. Proof of age may be required by the venue.

Concession prices

Concession prices are available to people who are students, pensioner card holders and registered health care card holders. We do not provide concession for Senior Card holders. You are required to provide proof of your eligibility when booking your tickets. 

For more information about venue accessibility and ticketing concession types, see Venue and ticketing information.

Group bookings

Group booking discounts must be paid for in full at the time of booking for the discount to apply.


Please ensure you arrive at the venue with enough time to allow for staff to check tickets and load the audience. The show will commence at the advertised time and any patrons still trying to gain access to the venue beyond this time will be deemed latecomers and will not be admitted until a suitable break in the performance. 

Privacy collection notice

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is committed to protecting your privacy. The personal information you provide on registration or when purchasing tickets is being collected for the primary purpose of facilitating bookings through the Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Arts and Culture Box Office, Supported by TicketSearch

Where required, your name, address and contact details will be provided to Macedon Ranges Shire Council staff and/or contractors to enable them to facilitate your booking.

Your personal information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law. If you wish to gain access to, or alter any personal information you have supplied on this booking, please contact us at kthtickets@mrsc.vic.gov.au.

View Council's Privacy Policy

General terms and conditions, refunds and exchanges

Tickets are sold or issued subject to the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice and are subject to the following terms and conditions.

  1. The right of admission is reserved by Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
  2. A ticket is only valid when purchased through an authorised agent.
  3. The right is reserved to vary advertised artists, programs, pricing and seating arrangements.
  4. The right is reserved to vary ticket prices at times throughout the sales period.
  5. Specific warnings will be advised prior to the day of activity, providing that information has been supplied by the producer/promoter of that activity.
  6. Latecomers may only be admitted at the discretion of Management and entry may be refused on occasions.
  7. Unless otherwise indicated all persons, including infants and children, entering must hold a valid ticket for that activity.
  8. Unless otherwise indicated the use of photographic or recording equipment, including mobile phones, is strictly prohibited 
  9. Ticket refunds and exchanges require approval from the Venue Hirer/Producer in the case of a Hire-In event, or at the discretion of the Creative Venues and Programs Team Leader for Council programs, but will not be considered within two days of the activity. Refunds and/or exchanges may be subject to a fee.



Reservations are not accepted. Tickets must be paid for at the time of booking. 

Upcoming shows

Our performance season is proudly brought to you by Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Creative Victoria.