Reconciliation Week


27 May to 3 June

National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2025 is Bridging Now to Next, it reflects the ongoing connection between past, present and future.

"Bridging Now to Next urges us to look ahead and continue the push forward as past lessons guide us. In the #NRW2025 theme artwork created by Kalkadoon woman Bree Buttenshaw, native plants − which are known for regenerating after fire and thriving through adversity − symbolise our collective strength and the possibilities of renewal. This is a time for growth, reflection, and commitment to walking together. Australia’s history of reconciliation is not a linear one, we have made great strides and experienced disappointing setbacks." Source: Reconciliation Australia