Macedon Kindergarten

Macedon Kindergarten is nestled in a natural bush setting at the foot of Mount Macedon. Large outdoor play spaces including extensive dry riverbed/landscaped areas to promote exploration and imagination.

We offer welcoming secluded nooks for imaginative play and quiet reflection for that sometimes needed downtime. Sustainable eco-vegetable gardens with worm farm and compost bin. Ample areas for running and climbing, a bike track, mud kitchen and sand play, all around natural and built shade.

For more information, see our Macedon Kindergarten Fact Sheet(PDF, 598KB)

The building's multi-purpose room also allows opportunities for visiting specialists to provide services to the wider community.

2025 Timetable

Kangaroo - 4YO Echidna 1 - 3YO Echidna 2 - 3YO  Echidna 3 - 3YO
Mon   8.30am-4pm  8.30am-4pm  
Tues 8.30am-4pm      
Wed      8.30am-4pm  8.30am-4pm
Thurs    8.30am-4pm    8.30am-4pm
Fri  8.30am-4pm      


55 Bruce Street, Macedon 3440  View Map

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