Population profile
The Macedon Ranges population is spread across nine towns and a number of smaller settlements. The largest towns are Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend.
Our community
- People: 52,920 (estimated resident population 2023)
- Average number of people per household: 2.65
- 24.1% aged between 0–17 years
- 25.8% aged 60 years and over
- 4.5% speak a language other than English at home
- 19.2% volunteer through an organisation or group
Source: Profile.id as at 3 February 2025
Community Profile
Local population and social data is available through the Macedon Ranges Community Profile and includes characteristics of our community, how we have changed over time and how we compare to other areas.
Community Atlas
View interactive local maps that include data from the ABS Census to help identify patterns and trends in our shire.
Population forecasts
Learn about drivers of population change and forecasts on how population, age structure and household types will change across the shire from 2016 to 2036 at forecast.id