There will be some changes to our office hours and services on Monday 10 March. To report an urgent issue during this time, call (03) 5422 0333. There are no changes to bin collection days - please put your bins out as usual.
Find out more
The Fire Danger Period for Macedon Ranges Shire is now in force. During this time, no fire may be lit in the open air without a permit.
Find out more about what you can and can’t do during this time
A sporting and open space precinct in central Gisborne.
Consists of three large open fields suitable for passive and active recreational activities, including soccer, cricket, croquet and athletics (with a synthetic 100 metre long jump run up).
There are eight synthetic tennis courts and also a children's playground.
Car parking, change rooms/pavilion and public toilets (located at the western end of the buildings) are also available.
View the master plan outlining the future vision for Dixon Field.
40 Robertson Street, Gisborne 3437 View Map
40 Robertson Street , Gisborne 3437
This space has designated off leash areas. There are specific effective control requirements for dogs when off leash, which must be followed.
See the Area Map(PDF, 505KB) for further information and look for signs to help identify the designated off leash areas.
Dogs must be on leash at all times unless in a designated off leash area. You must pick up and dispose of your dog’s waste in a bin. Dogs must be under effective control and never left unattended.