The Fire Danger Period for Macedon Ranges Shire is now in force. During this time, no fire may be lit in the open air without a permit.
Find out more about what you can and can’t do during this time
The Disability Action Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 269KB) is an Easy Read plan setting out what Council will do to reduce barriers and increase inclusion and participation for people with disability.
This Plan has been developed with input from people with disability, families, carers and supporters of people with disability.
This Plan seeks to recognise the rights of all people with disability to live an included and respected life in our community and acknowledging the important roles played by carers, families, volunteers and service-providers.
There is also an Easy English version of the Community Directorate Integrated Annual Report 2023-2024(PDF, 2MB)
There is also an Easy English version of the Community Directorate Integrated Action Plan 2024-2025(PDF, 2MB)
To chat further with a Council officer about this Plan call (03) 5422 0333 or email