Municipal Early Years Plan 2021-2025: CREATE

‘CREATE’ is the Macedon Ranges Municipal Early Years Plan 2021-2025, which provides overall direction for Council’s Early Years and Maternal and Child Health units and guides the programs, initiatives, advocacy and other work we do for children from birth to eight years old and their families.

The plan was developed through consultation with community and key stakeholders in late 2019 and early 2021, and adopted by Council in September 2021, and over 980 people contributed to the final product.

CREATE identifies actions around the following priority areas:

  • Children are socially connected and active
  • Children thrive in their community
  • Children’s needs are recognised in infrastructure and the built environment
  • Children are respected and valued in their community

Two key documents have been produced. A comprehensive plan(PDF, 3MB) with community feedback, key themes and actions for Council over the life of the plan and a shorter summary(PDF, 7MB) of the plan’s priority areas and actions.

To receive a hard copy of the complete plan, or of the summary booklet, call (03) 5422 0333 or email

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