Macedon Ranges Heritage Strategy 2024-2034

Council is reviewing its existing Heritage Strategy.

The existing Heritage Strategy was adopted in 2014. It made recommendations for a total of 55 actions to be achieved in a four year cycle. A snapshot(PDF, 123KB) of these 55 actions shows that some actions are complete or ongoing, the majority have paused or not commenced, and some are no longer applicable.    

A Heritage Strategy sets Council’s approach to the management of heritage within the shire. It is a key strategic tool for assisting councils to meet their obligations under different pieces of heritage legislation.

A Heritage Strategy identifies the work already done by Council, prioritises work to be done in the future, assists with managing assets appropriately for the community, and celebrates the rich history and heritage of Macedon Ranges. 

About the review

The first stage of the Heritage Strategy review process was to find out what it is you love about the heritage of the shire. 

In 2023 we invited local communities to submit photos and tell us in 25 words or less:

  • What they love and want to keep about the shire’s heritage. This could be the bluestone houses, windows, shops and industries that made this area.
  • What they think needs to change. This could be the way we celebrate our heritage, deal with rundown buildings, or provide community grants for history and heritage projects.

A selection of the photos and words have been used in the new strategy. 

Photos are displayed in an image gallery on this page.

Development of new draft strategy

The draft Macedon Ranges Heritage Strategy 2024-2034 has been organised under the four themes recommended by the Heritage Victoria toolkit and a fifth theme has been added for climate change.

  • Knowing: identification, assessment and documentation of heritage places
  • Protecting: statutory protection, policy development, appropriate management
  • Supporting: assistance, advice and incentives to help conserve heritage places
  • Communication and Promoting: measures to raise awareness and appreciation of our area’s heritage
  • Preparing: getting ready for how climate change will impact the heritage of the shire.

Feedback on the draft strategy was invited until Monday 1 July 2024. To find out more, visit Macedon Ranges Heritage Strategy 2024-2034

For more information, call Dannielle Orr on (03) 5422 0333 or email