Small Project Grants


Small Project Grants support community programs and initiatives that benefit residents of the Macedon Ranges Shire and help achieve Council Plan goals.

The aim of the program is to support:

They are open throughout the year, except during the election period in the lead up to a Council election

There is a pool of $30,000 for 2024/25, with groups able to apply for a grant of up to $3,000. Note: a community group can only receive one Small Project Grant per financial year.

To discuss your project ideas or for any questions, call (03) 5422 0333 or email

We welcome applications from LGBTQIA+, First Nations and any groups who have not applied for funding previously. For further information on eligibility, read the Small Project Grant Guidelines.

Note: The current round of the Small Project Grants may close prior to 30 June 2025 if all funding has been expended.

Guidelines and resources

How to apply

  1. Make sure you have reviewed the current Small Project Grant Guidelines in the section above.
  2. Contact Council's Community Projects Officer to discuss your project idea. Call (03) 5422 0216 or email
  3. Check the submission date for the next Council Meeting in the table below.
  4. If this is your first time using Smarty Grants, you will be prompted to register before beginning your application.
  5. Once your application is complete, you will receive an automated email acknowledging successful submission.

Assistance is available on request.

All applications must be completed using the SmartyGrants platform. If you would like assistance, call us on (03) 5422 0216 or email

Council Meeting date

Submit application by

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Wednesday 27 November 2024

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wednesday 18 December 2024

Wednesday 13 November 2024

Note: decisions regarding allocations of community grants are unable to be made during the Council Election Period from 24 September to 26 October 2024. 

Apply Now

Variations/Extensions or returning grant funds

We understand that sometimes things don't go as planned. Call us on (03) 5422 0216 or email if:

  • your contact details change or the key contact for the project changes
  • you are unable to continue with the project
  • you need to make a variation or seek an extension to the project as planned in your application. You will need to complete a variation/extension request form and this will need to be approved by Council before any changes are undertaken.

Acquitting your grant

Once you have delivered your project, you will need to complete a Project Acquittal Report. This is available via the SmartyGrants platform.

The report includes:

  • a summary of the benefits, challenges and learnings of the project; and
  • a summary of the grant expenditure and any remaining grant funds (if applicable);
  • promotional and marketing activities undertaken, including examples of the recognition of Council's financial support, photo evidence of the project and any media coverage.

Please note: If you have been auspiced for the purposes of your grant, the acquittal report will need to be signed off by the Treasurer of the Auspice and the Treasurer of the Applicant Organisation. If you have any questions regarding this, contact the Grants team.

2023/2024 Grant Recipients


Project title


Kerrie Hall

Improve facilities


Macedon & Mount Macedon Community House

Governance Training


Kyneton & Districts Toy Library

Toy library relocation


Kyneton Agricultural Society

Volunteer hub


Kyneton Backyard Growers  Logo & promotional materials


Malmsbury Mail

Malmsbury Mail website


Riddells Creek Tennis Club

Pickleball Launch


Gisborne Golf Club

Nesting box installation


Discovery Science & Technology Centre Bendigo

Curious kids in the library


Kyneton Basketball Association

League standard basketballs for junior girls and all abilities teams


Woodend RSL Sub-branch 

First Australians Flag Project


Riddells Creek Cool Changes  Riddells Creek Enviro Expo


Macedon Ranges Bowling Club Safety Handrails  $2,458.50